Brahmashri Cuddalore Gopi Bhagavathar Says

My sincere thanks to all bagawathas and bajan mandalis and sathsangh who have extended their support for the Bagawatha Sangamam 2015. Bakthaswara Bajan Mandali , Chennai who have been promoting Nama sankeerthan for a long time has also accepted to be a part of this divine event. Getting calls from various corners in support of this event.Tamil Nadu, Pondy, Kerala, Karnataka,Delhi, Dubai ,Gujarath are being represented. I need representaions from Mumbai, Andhra and other parts of India and across the world. to associate themselves. More particular is the fact rather than money i want bakthas across the world to participate. A final update will be after the informal meeting on Sunday. All are welcome. NAMA PARATHE SADHANA NAHI.